Importance of practical learning!


In today’s world where everything is so visual and interactive, then
why in terms of education we dont give much emphasis to practical learning?
Just by reading something, one doesn’t understand how things work. For
instance, if you want to learn to ride a bicycle, you would have to sit on the
cycle and ride, if you read a manual on riding a bicycle, you will never be
able to ride it.

Same thing holds true when it comes to teaching concepts in schools.
So, it is essential for us to change our teaching methodology by adding more
practical sessions.

Practical and hands-on learning helps children to innovate and encourage self-learning among them. It also gives a break from monotonous lectures.

Previously, people like Albert Einstein, Galileo Galilei, etc first experimented and then based on the results documented their findings.

Which means earlier education was more of practical  learning and…

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